Monday, November 10, 2008

You know you're in Utah when...

You sit in on a meeting at the hospital and some of the doctors and nurses keep referring to Mr. Gallegos as Mr. Ga-LAY-gos.

Now, I'm no expert in Espanol (I don't even know how to put the squiggle thingy on the n), but my years in the central valley tell me that's not the correct pronunciation.


Anonymous said...

I know what you mean. Someone from LDS Family Services called Tom's office to speak to him. Then they asked his secretary if the bishop was there. She ,the secretary, had no idea what was going on.

kat said...

that's pretty funny. We just barely got the internet so I was catching up on your blog. I was interested to read the comments on your vote post after seeing you on election night. People really did get fired up!

Anonymous said...

hi lindsay! i'm so glad you ran into us! how did you find us -- who did you know that knew us...blah blah. it's so cool that we can be even more connected now! who else has blogs that we should know about? hope all is well in utardia where mr. guh-ay-gos is known as mr ga-lay-gos!

whatthehaleman said...

hi lindsay- this is jessica, whit's friend. Dave and I have a blog, and I've totally been reading yours, and meaning to comment, but alas i have not. So finally, Hi! and i love your blog. this is so funny- good thing you were raised in the Valley and can recognize true Spanish, and true mexican food too!!! by the way, i just linked you too!

vanessa said...

thank you for this and your sparkle, and your cheetah print. i'm glad we can be roomies AND blog buddies.