Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I take staying hydrated very seriously OR I love sodie.

I cleaned out my car the other day and this is ridiculous (in my defense, a lot of those cups contained water at some point).
So, I'm doing something crazy. I'm laying off the sodie for a month. Not for any particular reason, but just because. It's been 3 days and so far, so good. We'll see how long I can keep this up.
*Disclaimer: I do not intend for this to be permanent.


Rachel DeFreese said...

I love 'when Lindsay cleans out her car' posts!

MONster said...

remember when i did no sodie for 28 days
and you de-friended me?

well. i'm doing the same.

whatthehaleman said...

I'm suddenly in dire need of a slurpee...

nrozier said...

I frequently attempt this challenge and usually make it about 4 or 5 days. Good luck!

Grandma Honey said...

You found all those cups in your car?? Must be a genetic thing. I'm sure I have several in there right now.

Richard said...

You should start up again when Bret and Whit get their new car...you could break it in.

Rebekah said...

we'll be waiting for you when you decide to come back to the good side

Richard said...

I want a blown up Harajuko girl picture for my Labor Day present.

STEVEN said...

Just don't substitute soda with Red Bulls and DQ Blizzards like I did. Best of luck! My record is 1 month.

Mr. Marbles said...

I get headaches when I don't have enuff MONSTER. Hope that doesn't happen to you, dearie. Best of lucks.

Jani Jean said...

wow, good luck! stay strong! don't count me in!