Thursday, June 4, 2009


I didn't know there was such a thing as a camouflaged kilt until I saw this man at Paradise Bakery today. I can't decide whether it was a decision of fashion or a matter of work attire. But then I tried to think of any job where it would require one to wear a camouflaged kilt and I couldn't think of one. He had a few tools and some serious boots- any ideas?


thegreatestshowonearth said...

I love that you have this man documented!

whatthehaleman said...

Undoubtably the infamous Irish covert yardsman extremist

Brady and Lauren said...

I think he lost a bet...I'm not sure why else someone would wear an outfit like that!

Shea McGee said...

i think his work requires camo, but he needed a little "breathing room" so he altered the design a little...

nrozier said...

HOW DID YOU NOT ASK?! If I saw someone dressed for out backing in a camo kilt you had better believe I would be inquiring about the back story.