Thursday, January 15, 2009

Dumb blonde.

I hate when I live up to the blonde stereotype. And it probably happens more often than I'd like to admit.

Case in point: A few days ago my laptop fell off of my desk onto my chair (never mind the fact that I didn't exactly set it completely on the desk). Anyhow, I promptly picked it up and made sure that everything was still in proper working order. Everything was working except it wouldn't pick up the wireless signal. I tried everything I knew how to do to fix it which included turning it off and on and,well, turning it off and on again since that's about all I know how to do when it comes to computers. After doing the off/on routine a few more times, I decided to admit defeat and take it to a computer repair store. I got out of class early this morning and headed to the repair shop and this is what ensued:

Me: Hi, my computer slipped off my desk the other day and now it won't pick up a wireless signal (as I smile and try to be as pleasant as possible so he will help me).

Computer Genius: Let me take a look at it. Let's see, it might be because the wireless switch is turned OFF (at which point he flips it on and everything works just fine).

Me: Oh, uh, haha. Didn't know there was a wireless switch. Uh, Thanks.

Computer Genius: No problem (as I can see the wheels in his head turning and thinking, "Dumb blonde").

I almost wanted to justify myself and say, "Really, I'm not stupid. Promise. I'm a grad student. I'm not always a complete idiot." But I resisted, thanked him again and sheepishly walked out the door. As lame as I looked, I wish all computer problems were so easily ameliorated.


Bags said...

Best. Story. Ever.

P.S. It's probably good you didn't tell him you were a grad student. It probably would have just made things worse.

Tianne said...

You're definitely NOT dumb! Even if you did that 10 times a day...besides everyone but geeks know that computers are built like rubiks cubes full of bad switches and naughty viruses to keep geeks feeling superior and in houses full of stainless steel and Jackson Pollock on Queene Anne hill in Seattle.

Besides! You could've let him do the little switch thing, batted your eyelashes and say sweetly, "Gosh, I knew that, I just wanted to come say hi..."

Then walk out triumphant like the SMART blonde like you are!

Richard said...


Laurel said...

that's ok. You're not alone. Ryan did the same thing a few months ago, and he's not even blonde! In fact, he even has the Dr. title, so I think it's even a little bit more embarrassing in his circumstances!