Wednesday, June 11, 2008

How can something so good be so bad?

I ate T-Bell for the second time in the last week today and I'm slightly ashamed at how much I enjoyed it. When I came home, I made the mistake of looking up the nutrition facts of the cheesy beefy burrito I was lured into buying- I won't even subject you to the horror I found. Let's just say, I think it was just what I needed to curb my appetite for the delicacies Taco Bell has to offer.


kfiet said...

you must try the triple layer nachos. run for the border! literally. let's run to the one on 4th south when i get back.

The Boz said...

can i just tell you that I LOVE your blog soooo much! I miss you!

Unknown said...

Linds, I need your address so I can mail you a bachelorette weekend invite for the Boz. email it to me Cool, thanks.

breena rae said...

that's what I craved when I was preggo. Crispy tacos...I would eat like 3 of them. Oh wait, I still do.