Monday, March 31, 2008

Strictly Business

Today I was working with a first grader and our conversation went a little something like this:

Me: So what did you do over spring break?
1st grader: Business.
Me: What kind of business ? (in my most caring, intrigued, counselor voice)
1st grader: You know, going to Sev for soda.

You'll have to excuse me, I've got some business to do.


nrozier said...

He must be in PR because that sounds eerily like my business.

Shauna said...

thats hilarious. sounds like my business too.

Brady and Lauren said...

My kind of business too! We need to get together ASAP! I want to take you out for your birthday!

Katie said...

LINDSAY! You are hilarious! I just found your blog through Kenz's. Just wanted to say hi!

-Katie (Schwendiman) Bindrup

breena rae said...

what a kid! He and my mom must be friends.