Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I went to the dentist last week and he told me that I should drink out of a straw to prevent discoloring my teeth. But then my dermatologist says I shouldn't drink out of a straw to avoid wrinkles around my mouth. So I guess I have to choose? Wrinkles or stained teeth- it's a toss-up.


Lauren Kay said...

I say choose the one that is cheaper to fix. Teeth whitening or collagen. Toss up is right.

Very cute blog by the way! Hope all is well!

Karen Mortensen said...

What a problem to be facing. I would go with the teeth. I think a little easier to fix.

Busy Burtons said...

or i would suggest alternating. this will slow the process for either so its not so one sided. a few wrinkles, and slightly stained teeth isnt so bad is it? ok maybe it is. good luck with that!

Shea McGee said...

Use crest white strips, delay the wrinkles.

Brady and Lauren said...

Teeth are easier to fix than getting rid of wrinkles. I would say goodbye to the straws. :)

D said...

Get a funnel or beer bong. Problem solved.


teeth are much easier and quicker to fix! don't use the straw!

breena rae said...

wow, it must take a lot of sucking through a straw to create wrinkles! By the way, do you still like the rabbit pellet ice?

so, I guess my answer would be fix your teeth.

STEVEN said...

May I suggest an IV? Works for me. I have gorgeous teeth and the wrinkle-free skin of a teen...nah...a tween.