Monday, December 28, 2009

Utahans love terms of endearment

Call me crazy, but I think terms of endearment (i.e. sweetie, honey, sugar, etc.) are supposed to be used with people that are dear to you, not by the man at the Taco Bell drive through. "Here's your taco. Have a great night sweetie." What? Did he just call me sweetie? For all he knows I'm not sweet at all.
Okay, okay, I don't really care that much. Maybe it stems from the fact that I'm not super comfortable using terms of endearment. I once had a boyfriend that told me that this bothered him. True story. Maybe I'll make that one of my 2010 goals "Use more terms of endearment". Then I'll be a true Utahan, darling.


Grandma Honey said...

Well I think that's better than when we went to Carl's Jr we were asked, "And would you like something to wash that down with?"

But really, 'sweetie' at Taco Bell??!

kat said...

this always bothered me living in Utah too. Especially when someone my age or younger would do it.

Karen Mortensen said...

At least he didn't call you mama or say or for cute or or for neat. I hate that.

Once I called one of my students sweetie and she said,"SWEETIE? My name isn't sweetie!!!"

It was great seeing Natalie over Christmas. Where were you?

Mr. Marbles said...

mkay, yeah. Georgia slash Alabama equal way worse than Utah. I mean- not to call you out and say 'liar' but Georgia is a wee bit ridiculous. Also the one Georgian girl that I dated was always into terms of endearment and it was always uncomfortable to me. The end.