Saturday, April 4, 2009

She would have been 32 today.

I know that the Lord has reasons for calling some of his children home earlier than others, but it doesn't stop me from missing my sister. It's her birthday today and we should be bickering over which restaurant to eat at. We should be sitting for hours and sipping diet cokes and laughing about the time I threw my lunch money at her because she made me get out of the car across the street from the high school because she was late for work. We should be going through her closet and throwing out all of the clothes I deem too "old" for her age while she tries to convince me that "those Naturalizer shoes are just so comfortable- just wait until you're a mom."

I definitely feel a little gypped, but at the same time I'm so grateful for the time I was able to spend with Robin. Sisterhood is truly one of the choicest blessings in my life.


Karen Mortensen said...

Thanks for this post. She was a wonderful person. I wish I would have known her the way you did. You were a wonderful sister to her.

vanessa said...

thanks for this linds. this makes me appreciate the time i have with my sister more. xo

Grandma Honey said...

It's nearly been a year, but I still have a hard time believing this. Families are meant to be together so I don't think it will ever feel okay. You 2 were so close, and you were so good to her!

Richard said...

Nothing in life brings a parent greater happiness than to see their children so closely involved with each other and looking after each other as you, Robin, Natalie, and Whitney have always done and continue to do!!

kat said...

I had a pair of Naturalizers and I think Robin was right! I wore those so much while walking around Chicago and I loved every minute I had them (I actually wore them out). I think they actually make some cute ones, so I hope you come around to that nugget of wisdom she left you:)

I never got to meet her, but I appreciate the stories you tell and the reminder to cherish our families.

Tara Rickards said...

I can only imagine how hard it must be. I'm sure she appreciates being remembered on her birthday. Thanks for the post and the window into your heart. :-)

Annelise said...

thank you for sharing, lindsey. i cant even imagine your loss, but i appreciate this post and putting some things into perspective for me personally. it makes me cherish my family and the knowledge of the gospel even more.