Monday, August 31, 2009

Roommate FHE

*Don't mind the fact that I look 3 times the size of my roommates in the bottom picture (they keep telling me "it's the angle")

A little 30 Day Shred followed by brownies.
Counterproductive? Nah.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

I'm starting to get desperate.

* Found via indexed

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

We made the last week of summer really count.

Hailey starts kindergarten tomorrow (and couldn't be more excited about it). But before she went to school, we made sure she had a fun filled week of 'cation at Chickee's house complete with trips to the zoo, Thanksgiving Point, the Monte L. Bean Museum, sleepovers, giant bubble baths, tea parties, and swimming in Chickee's basement. School will probably be a nice break.

Monday, August 24, 2009

I don't consider myself a jealous person.

But I'll admit it, I'm feeling insanely jealous of everyone who got to go back to school today.
I just wish I could be a student forever.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

What happens when there's a mouse in the house?

A group of otherwise seemingly grown-up, logical girls instantly turn into screaming babies.
I've got to get a boyfriend, stat, to take care of this kind of stuff.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


I drank sodie last weekend. Lots and lots of sodie. But I don't feel bad about it 'cause I was on 'cation. And like I said before, just about anything can be justified while on 'cation.

Friday, August 7, 2009

My body felt like I slid down a 1200 foot glacier.

The view from the top and the beautiful wildflowers were well worth the 15 miles, sore feet, and numb bum (fyi, one thin layer of cotton spndex is not sufficient for sliding down a glacier). Thanks Mt. Timpanogos, I'll be back.